DJ Lee – Author and Educator

DJ Lee – Author and Educator

D J Lee is Regents Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at Washington State University and earned a PhD from the University of Arizona and an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars. Her creative work includes over thirty non-fiction pieces in magazines and...
The Nature of Remains by Ginger Eager

The Nature of Remains by Ginger Eager

ABOUT: In Flyshoals, Georgia, karma is writ small enough to witness. When Doreen Swilley discovers that her boss and lover of thirty years intends to fire her to placate his dying wife, she devises a plan to steal his business from him. Her plan just might work too,...

When a Family Measures Time By Its Losses

by Marco Rafalà  from author’s website, repost from LitHub 11/7/2019  Everyone tells the story of that night differently. My mother said that my Ziu Salvatore left the apartment at 87 Spring Street in Middletown, Connecticut, at 2 am on Friday morning. He wore...
A Single Light by Tosca Lee

A Single Light by Tosca Lee

ABOUT: In Tosca Lee’s gripping sequel to The Line Between, which New York Times bestselling author Alex Kava calls “everything you want in a thriller,” cult escapee Wynter Roth and ex-soldier Chase Miller emerge from their bunker to find a country ravaged by...