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Jungle: A Journey to Peace, Purpose and Freedom by Cindy Henson

Aug 6, 2019 | Featured Book

Debbie Harpham


Cindy Henson’s Jungle: A Journey to Peace, Purpose, and Freedom is much like Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love – except for the corporate leader. Nearly two decades into her corporate career, Henson was awakened to a lifelong addiction to overworking and “taking one for the team” by a debilitating illness, which led her to the jungle of Costa Rica to pursue a master’s degree in International Peace and Conflict Studies from the United Nations-Affiliated, University for Peace. In her renewed approach to life, she integrates laughter, adventure, generosity, and love into all that she does at work and in her personal life. She shares how nearly everyone can discover and authentically express their natural gifts and talents so that the world is continually transformed, as well. In Jungle, she introduces The Seven Principles to Peace, Purpose, and Freedom the manifesto by which she approaches all aspects of life. 1. Tap into Your Fun Quotient! 2. Resolve Past Issues and Release Your Brain Power! 3. Discover what Juices You and Pursue It! 4. Activate Your Learning Gene! 5. See Your Colleagues Bigger Than They See Themselves! 6. Move into Action! 7. Choose to be Unstoppable! Jungle reminds us that the old ways of violence in family, business, and politics must give way to new ways of relating built on peace, purpose, and freedom. Additionally, Cindy explores: work-life balance, career change & transformation, heart-centered leadership, and more. Cindy takes readers deep inside her personal transformation from an overworked, overwhelmed executive to a woman who has broadened her horizons and now understands that the approach of profits over people is what ails the world, and that the triple bottom line- people, planet, and profits- is a much better equation for success for all.



“This moving account of a cathartic journey may tempt readers to engage in some tropical soul searching of their own.”-Kirkus Reviews

“Jungle: A Journey for Peace, Purpose and Freedom is Cindy Henson’s contribution to making right what has long been wrong in the world. Her story is unique yet her goals and achievements are universal. Her life and her journey will be an inspiration for so many people who find themselves “soul sick.” Make Cindy’s story of courage, conviction, and commitment to making this world a better place for all, your own story.”-Anita Sanchez, PhD, Founder of Sanchez Tennis & Associates, international best-selling author, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times

“Cindy Henson takes us on a perilous journey as she flees her neatly packaged, corporate life and explores the untamed regions of her heart. Through her willingness to share her journey, we see that, we too can courageously embark on a path of personal healing and professional transformation-to discover our true calling.”-Frances Fujii, Co-founder, CEO2 and co-creator of The Accidental CEO: A Leader’s Journey from Ego to Purpose

“Cindy’s unique experience contains valuable lessons that you will need to preserve and succeed on your own journey to peace, purpose, and freedom. These are the universal lessons we all need to know.”-Len Elder, JD, DREI, CDEI, Superior School of Real Estate, Charlotte, North Carolina