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Anesa Miller

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Location: Bowling Green

State / Province: Ohio

Country: United States

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Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Fiction, Literary Fiction, Thriller / Suspense / Mystery

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Biographical Info Anesa Miller is a native of Wichita, Kansas, an MFA graduate of the University of Idaho, a long-term resident of Ohio, and recipient of an Ohio Arts Council Fellowship for creative writing. Her fiction, essays, and poetry have been published widely, and her novel, *Our Orbit* (forthcoming from Sibylline Press), was a finalist in regional fiction in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Her current novel, *I Never Do This*, is also set in the Appalachian, southeastern corner of Ohio and falls within the "rural noir" genre. Anesa also had an academic career, teaching Russian language and literature, in which she received a PhD from the University of Kansas. She has studied world literatures and linguistics extensively.

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