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Fran Hawthorne

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Location: Brooklyn

State / Province: NY

Country: US

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Genre: Audiobook, Contemporary Fiction, Fiction, Jewish Fiction

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Biographical Info I've been writing novels since I was four years old, although I was sidetracked for several decades by journalism. During my award-winning career, I wrote eight nonfiction books, mainly about consumer activism, the drug industry, and the financial world. For instance, Ethical Chic (Beacon Press) was named one of the best business books of 2012 by Library Journal, and Pension Dumping (Bloomberg Press) was a Foreword magazine 2008 Book of the Year. I've also been an editor or regular contributor for The New York Times, Business Week, Fortune, Newsday, and many other publications. But I never abandoned my true love: My debut novel, The Heirs (a story of second-generation Holocaust guilt, involving two families in New Jersey), was published in 2018 by Stephen F. Austin State University Press. and now my new novel, I MEANT TO TELL YOU (a story of secrets, the limits of friendship, a kidnapping, and political activism) is being published by the same university press. I'm at work on two new novels, and I also write book reviews for the New York Journal of Books -- so in other words, I think I'm finally back to my childhood career in fiction.

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